Isn’t it Ironic??

By: Tony Prather, M.A. Ed.

Tony Prather
3 min readSep 2, 2022

I know that what I'm about to say will be irritating to the Trump MAGA crowd. But with all of the posts I saw throughout the day yesterday, I think it's only point-counterpoint, and worthy of consideration.

Isn't it interesting...
Before he was president, Donald was very vocal about his disapproval of all the time Obama spent on the golf course, but later spent more hours himself on the course than in breifings?

Isn't it curious...
In 2012, when Mit Romney lost to Obama, Trump tweeted that the electoral college was a "disaster for democracy", despite the fact that Obama won the poular vote as well. Then when Trump won his election in 2016 (losing the popular vote), he tweeted that, "The Electoral College is actually genius."

Isn't it compelling...
When referring to Jill Stein's vote recount campaign, Trump tweeted, “So much time and money will be spent - same result! Sad”
The same month, Trump (about his own election results) tweeted, “won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.”

Isn't it suspicious...
During a media tirade in 2017, Trump stated, “I’m against the people that make up stories and make up sources... They shouldn’t be allowed to use sources unless they use somebody’s name. Let their name be put out there.” Yet, time and again, we hear him use non-identifed qualifiers like "many people have told me...", in addition to his 2012 claim that an "extremely credible source", who remains annonymous told him that Obama's birth certificate is fake.

Isn’t it appalling...
That the Trump administration, specifically Kellyanne Conway, embraced the term "alternative facts" about claims Trump made during his time in office, while they all decried "Fake News" about anything disparaging concerning the administration. This is a clever PR strategy of segregating lies into two categories, alternative facts which has a somewhat positive connotation, and fake news, which has an undeniably negative connotation insinuating irresponsibility in the media.

Isn't it egregious...
That the two sides have so drastically flipped in the last three years. Trump and the MAGA cults calls for "Law and Order" and respect for police and legal authority has now turned to disdain, mockery and threats to agents of the FBI. Meanwhile the Democrats who were all about "defunding the police" have learned this was an extreme misstep and are backpeddling rather quickly.

Above all... Isn't it ridiculous...
That Trump and his MAGA crowd can look at January 6th and either claim it was an inconsequential non-event, or that it was a day of great patriotism. When in reality, it was a very clear act of political violence in a last ditch effort to prolong Trump's residency at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Let me be clear, an elected official with a history of lies, deceit and hypocrisy, who both silences and invalidates his critics, who attempts to remain in control beyond his term limit, unchecked, is a dictator and a tyrant. It goes against everything that the US Constitution stands for.

So in spite of what they claim, a person cannot be both a supporter of the Trump agenda, and still honestly and soberly consider themselves a citizen member of the Democratic Republic of the United States of America. They must accept that if they are a MAGA Republican then they are a part of a rebellion against a goverment of the people, by the people and for the people. The MAGA rhetoric doesn’t quite match the outcome of the results of their agenda... does it?



Tony Prather
Tony Prather

Written by Tony Prather


Tony is an educator that lives in the Houston area. He holds a B.A. in Communication and an M.A. in Educational Leadership from UTPB.

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